This month of September will always bring back the memories of an attack on America that will forever changed the course of our fate, no matter where we live or what we do.
2974 life is lost on that day (not including the terrorist hijackers) and 411 of them is rescue workers who rushed to the scene to help and they are now will always be remembered as heroes for the heroic acts they’ve committed on that day. Americans as well the rest of the world morn for such terror should never be happen in the first place. Peoples feel insecure, how is going to work to earn a living can kill you.
For many, it was like watching a movie, it was so surreal and out of this world, a fiction may be. But it happened. The Al-Qaeda had only achieved one thing and it is the prove of their distorted believe has nothing to do with Islam. They are also responsible for woman and children who died in Afghanistan and Iraq when U.S.A declared a war on terrorism.
I am deeply trouble by the fact that Al-Qaeda is using Islam as its reason for all the terror they did. There are many voices in the west who publicly accused Islam as violent religion, but I’m also glad that there are many who have showed more interest in understanding Islam for it is hard to believe that this religion is promoting violent.
7 years has passed, but the wound would never heal, the scar will always be there. The only consolation we can hope for is that terrorism will lose its supports for nobody in his right mind would agree with what they’ve done.
For those who died on that day, may Allah bless your soul.
To the 411 Heroes from various rescue departments in New York City, you’ll have my biggest respect and I admired your courage.
To the 19 terrorists who died, you’ll be burn in hell for murdering innocent by standers.
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