08 November 2008

Ex Gratia

Our government is a generous one. They paid over 10 millions to the judges who they didn't sacked ages ago and it is just as an act of kindness. I wouldn't feel as much discontent as I am now if it was to admit their past mistake, but then again, a public apologize would be much cheaper.

A minister, in parliament keep insisting it is not equal to an admission of guilt as the government never did anything wrong therefore have nothing to apologize for. The judges were given pension and qualified for all the benefit as they were only asked to resign, not sacked.

What really baffled me most is why bring up the issues in the first place if there is nothing wrong with it, and more importantly, why pay them now.

On the other hand we have an ex soldier, who fight for our country against the communist but get nothing. Even the communist who surrender at that time are given more privilege then he is. Captain (Rtd) Mukhtiar Singh Sodagar Singh have been appealing for his pension for 30 years now(read here for more), I think he is entitle not just for the pension he deserve but also a lot more. If our government can afford to pay 5 millions to a judge who currently also receive a pension to show kindness, it is only fair if they do the same for those who put their life on the line so that we can have what we have today.

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