21 December 2012

Traffic jammed

What have happened in the last few year? KL seem to congested even more compare with just a year ago. Today for example, with little bit help of rain the federal highway is super pack, not just there but everywhere (according to #kltu) with some part of KL is flooded even. I know that cars on the road increasing every year, prove that economy is not that bad as many people has been saying lately, BMW reported increase in their sale! And sometime long holidays doesn't help either. Tomorrow is Saturday and Tuesday will be Christmas so for those who work Monday to Friday will only have to take leave on Monday to enjoy 4 relaxing and traveling holiday, may be that another factor to add on to the why KL is very jammed today. Anyhow, I know that my blog's post this time is super ridiculous, about jammed in KL, but I haven't seen or read anybody else that have posted such blog yet (^_^).

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